Manifestation - Part 1 - Anger

    Anger is something I've dealt with my entire life. For a brief moment, It was a controlling factor in my life. Every time I turned around, I was getting angry about something, to the point that my own friends didn't want to be around me. I had to do something about it, but I didn't know what.

    I didn't have any help changing this, but, thankfully, I learned how to keep it in check. It would be a LONG time before I realized that this anger wasn't just anger, it was a manifestation of my depression. This, along with a few other emotions that I'll discuss in later posts, is something that I've come to learn about through experience.

    This isn't a perfect process though. I still have moments where my anger wins and I lose my temper, which leads to an argument, which then feeds right back into my depression. These are the times that I need to look back on to see how I could've handled them differently. This is part of the learning process for me, and it's hard to do. That's not an excuse to not do it. This is one of the things that needs to be done to make me a better person.

    I don't know if this is a very common manifestation of depression, but I would imagine that it is. Anger is an effective mask when you don't want to share the real problem. It drives people away and tends to keep them there, which seems easier than dealing with the real issue. It's not. Over time, it will be harder and harder to handle things this way and it will feed right back into your depression.


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